Air intake / CVT Snorkels / Diff Vent Line

Most peeps run snorkels thru the bed. I wanted to keep the cargo space completely open so I routed them inside the cab. Originally I mounted the air filter next to the passenger seat. The machine was REALLY LOUD under full throttle. The tech at the muffler shop who fabbed exhaust suggested it could be the air flow of the air intake, which turned out to be spot on. I moved the air filter outside, mounted underneath the cargo rack. A cold air intake filter housing acts like a baffle, reducing noise coming forward compared to having a fully exposed air filter. It also gave better mounting point. Watch this short video.

Spectre Performance 3″ ducting, couplers and 3″ to 2.5″ reducer at throttle body where used which should help the machine breath better compared to the tiny factory intake. I drilled a hole in the coupling at the throttle body to accept the PCV hose using threaded / barbed fitting. The green arrow points to where bracket was that held the factory airbox, it was removed. A notch had to be cut into the Spectre 4″ to 3″ reducer that is used to protect the 3″ ducting going thru the firewall. The reducer was bought for the CVT ducting, did not need it there, glad I found a use for it! All I had on hand was white caulk, used to hold the reducer in place, then painted black. The factory air filter box outer cover keeps everything protected.

The CVT intake is Spectre 4″ ducting & coupler at fan. A spare coupler was cut to use for duct protection at green arrows. The 4″ ducting fit perfect over the factory CVT intake pipe! Admittedly it was a challenge getting the ducting on the intake pipe in the cramped space, even with a strap pulling the plastic panel away. A Chillout Systems 4″ Blower, 12V 4.7amp 285 CFM helps cool the CVT belt down, connected to a manual switch. The fan moves ALOT of air! A Razorback infrared belt temp gauge is mounted to the roll bar so I know when to activate the fan.

The CVT exhaust is Spectre 3″ ducting. The 90 degree coupler fit perfect over the case exhaust port! Header heat wrap protects ducting from exhaust pipe heat. This raised the CVT exhaust way up, would have to completely submerge the machine for water to get that high.

The vent line on the rear differential is long enough to re-route to left side, up the frame rail, then zip tie to underside of cargo box. This reduces possible water intrusion into diff when fording kinda deep water.