Cab heat reduction

This machine is like driving a darn oven. I’ve had the interior apart many times experimenting with different insulating methods. The lower / center firewall & seat bottom get HOT, the parking brake lever is almost too hot to touch the metal portion. Alot of hot air comes up thru the seat belt cutouts & park brake opening. The faster I drive, the more air flows up.

The first photo I removed the seat belt brackets & park brake, installed a 24″ x 36″ welding blanket. I put header wrap on front exhaust pipe (bad pic). Didn’t help. I thought maybe the air is coming thru the center tunnel, so I rolled up a welding blanket to fill the gap. Didn’t help. I draped a welding blanket over the rear firewall, wrapped the park brake lever & stuffed the seat belt cutouts with welding blanket. This made a huge difference. I added another welding blanket, overlapping the first one, virtually no heat from engine!

Now I’m feeling hot air around my feet, the faster I drive, the more hot air. When the radiator fan kicks on, yet more hot air. I blocked off the big gap around steering shaft the best I could. I put a strip of foam between the frame & body panel where the fuse box is. I have no idea where heat around feet is coming from.